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28 sept 2023
In Foro de moda
How to Change Your Phone's Ringtone Your phone's ringtone is like its musical signature, announcing incoming calls and messages in a way that reflects your personality. Changing your ringtone is a simple process, and in this guide, we'll show you how to do it on both Android and iOS devices. Changing Your Ringtone on Android Step 1: Open Settings Unlock your Android device and navigate to the home screen. Swipe down from the top of the screen to access the notification shade. Tap the gear-shaped "Settings" icon to open the Settings app. Step 2: Access Sound Settings In the Settings app, scroll down and look for the "Sound & Vibration" or "Sound" option. It may vary slightly depending on your Android version and device manufacturer. Tap "Sound & Vibration" or "Sound" to access sound-related settings. Step 3: Choose a Ringtone Under the "Sound" section, you'll find various sound-related settings, including "Ringtone." Tap on "Ringtone" to access the list of available ringtones. Step 4: Select Your Ringtone Browse through the list of available ringtones and tap on the one you want to set as your default ringtone. A preview of the selected ringtone will play, helping you confirm your choice. Once you've made your selection, tap "Save" or "OK" to set the new ringtone. Your Android device will now use the chosen ringtone for incoming calls and messages.


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